6. Assessing Presentation


Language and Organization

Computer 2

During your initial review, you should have assessed overall language use in the manuscript and refrained from performing a detailed review if significant language issues render the manuscript unfit for publication. If the manuscript passed your initial review but still contains some language issues (such as grammatical, spelling, or tense errors), you may recommend that the authors copyedit the manuscript or that they consult a language editor during the revision process. While you do not need to cite every error, you should provide some specific examples to illustrate the issue to the authors.

Organization is also an important component of the overall presentation of a paper. There should be logical flow within each section, and the manuscript should not jump back and forth between points. If organizational issues are minor, point out specific deficiencies in your written review. If there are multiple instances of illogical flow, then cite representative examples but recommend that the authors use a language editor to address overall organizational flow during the revision process.