20 November 2023, Volume 31, Issue 24, pp. 39323-40999  
130 articles


Editors' Pick

AutoFocus: AI-driven alignment of nanofocusing X-ray mirror systems

Opt. Express 31(24), 39514-39527 (2023)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Tunable linear-to-circular terahertz polarization convertor enabled by a plasmonic nanocomposite metasurface

Opt. Express 31(24), 39557-39567 (2023)  View: HTML | PDF

Design and characterization of a hyperbolic-elliptical lens pair in a rapid beam steering system for single-pixel terahertz spectral imaging of the cornea

Opt. Express 31(24), 39568-39582 (2023)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Strong coupling of plasmonic bright and dark modes with two eigenmodes of a photonic crystal cavity

Opt. Express 31(24), 39624-39637 (2023)  View: HTML | PDF

Relativistic-guided stable mode of few-cycle 20 µm level infrared radiation

Opt. Express 31(24), 40202-40209 (2023)  View: HTML | PDF | Compressed PDF