13. After Publication

Promoting Your Work

Increase your Paper's Visibility

Once your work is published, you want as many people as possible to read it, learn from it, and potentially build on it.  The journal or publisher may help by highlighting or featuring your article, and there are things you can do to help share the news about your paper.  Most publishers also provide metrics including article download and citation counts so that you can see how much interest there is in your work.

Here are a few things you can consider doing to boost the visibility of your article:

  • Share a lay-language summary of your paper on social media.
  • Blog about your work on your personal or institutional web page.
  • Check How Can I Share It? for guidance on appropriate ways to share your article.
  • Add your article to your ORCID account (if you didn’t already include that information before publication).

Optica Publishing Group uses multiple indexing and discovery services, Spotlight on Optics, Editors’ Picks, and social media to help promote recently published papers.