6. Writing Your Manuscript

Results and Discussion

Dos and Don’ts for Writing an Effective Results and Discussion Section


  • State the message of each paragraph upfront.
  • Interpret your results.
  • Critically analyze the data.
  • Discuss any unexpected results, if applicable.
  • Discuss the wider implications of your findings; summarize how the data impacts your field of study.
  • Compare your results with those from other studies already published, being sure to include studies with results that are contradictory to yours.  Offer an explanation for the differences.


  • Include all of your data; include only the information that is most relevant in answering the questions posed in your manuscript.
  • Use text to describe everything; make use of tables and figures.
  • Discuss results or data not presented previously in the paper.
  • Provide unwarranted speculation.
  • Discuss tangential issues.
  • Present conclusions not supported by your data.